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the Virtual Electronic Service Tracking Assistant

VESTA®is an award-winning software product used by social service agencies in Greater Cincinnati as their community database. In Massachusetts, VESTA is used with the Balance of State Continuum of Care as their Homeless Management Information System.

Wherever VESTA is used, it assists agencies to track and manage their service and housing projects and to address other critical data needs. Built using a metadata model, the software is customizable for each agency and project, allowing flexibility in data collection and robust reporting. VESTA is used as a tool to track and evaluate client services, case management, referrals, financial support, and other information that helps agencies and community leaders evaluate the effectiveness of services they provide.

For Clients

VESTA eliminates redundant intake and screening, coordinates case management, and provides strategic referrals.

For Service Providers

VESTA monitors service utilization and project outcomes, coordinates services across multiple projects, and simplifies demographics, service counts, and reporting.

For the Community

VESTA data reveals high-demand service areas and service gaps, clarifies local understanding about homelessness, and informs decision-makers and public policy.

HUD technical answers image

2024 Deployment Schedule

The Partnership Center maintains and updates VESTA to meet the needs and requirements of users with new forms, fields, and features on a bimonthly basis.

Deployments to the Greater Cincinnati implementation of VESTA take are scheduled as follows:
  • January 7, 2024
  • March 3, 2024
  • May 5, 2024
  • July 14, 2024
  • September 8, 2024
  • November 3, 2024
Deployments to the Massachusetts's Balance of State implementation of VESTA are scheduled as follows:
  • January 5, 2024
  • March 1, 2024
  • May 3, 2024
  • July 12, 2024
  • September 6, 2024
  • November 1, 2024


Wizards guide users through screens designed to capture required information for intake, assessment, and exit making data entry easy and providing data quality levels that exceed national averages.

VESTAcard enables data entry with the swipe of a card. Whether picking up a holiday meal or accessing a building, VESTAcard makes it simple. VESTAcard keeps track of meals served, groups attended, and medicine by clients swiping their cards at scanning stations.

VESTA e-Signature supports e-signatures of consent forms and documents within VESTA.

VESTAdocup enables document scanning for agencies, programs, and clients.

VESTA Bed Finder supports a project-level and system-level access system to reserve a specific bed within an emergency shelter and transfer needed information.

VESTA Client enables program participants to access a customized version of VESTA themselves. Logging into a secure computer with their credentials, they are able to access their own individualized information in VESTA.  Through VESTA Client, they can receive VESTA mail, communicate with their caseworker, provide feedback to the agency, and get up-to-date information on their personal schedules and tasks.

VESTAlite is a mobile-optimized and simplified version of VESTA Live designed to work with cell phones or tablets. VESTAlite is designed to assist users with uploading copies of documentation, scanning VESTAcards, recording Quick Services, and recording client encounters when not in their office or otherwise able to access VESTA Live on a computer.

Easy reporting and data tracking

Full HMIS Compliance means VESTA meets all requirements outlined in the HMIS Data Standards. VESTA is designed and setup to be fully compliant with all data collection requirements for HUD Homeless programs (CoC and ESG); HHS Runaway and Homeless Youth and PATH Street Outreach programs; as well as multiple homeless programs of the Veterans Administration.

Customizable Data Fields enable all projects to collect custom elements used to meet the growing data needs of agencies.

Pre-programmed Reports correspond to the current programming specifications of funders. Hundreds of other reports are coded and available on an as-needed basis for free. Simple "press print” functionality produces printed reports, excel downloads, and CSV exports. HUD Annual Performance Reports, ESG CAPERS, and all federal partner reports are always up-to-date.

FLEXO, a specialized report generation tool, enables trained users at agencies to generate their own custom reports in VESTA to meet the needs of the agency quickly and efficiently.

Easy and secure data sharing

Confidentiality Protocols built into VESTA include password/PIN protection, digital certificates, client consent, user access restrictions, and security levels, along with multiple system security features.

Partnership Agreements allow projects at different agencies to share appropriate information pending client consent.

Getting Vesta

If you are in Greater Cincinnati or Massachusetts and you think VESTA might be right for your agency, project, or community partnership, contact Meradith Alspaugh to learn how VESTA can fit your needs.